New Arrivals

Nike SB Zoom Blazer AC - Kevin and Heaven
Nike SB Zoom Blazer AC - Kevin and Heaven
Release Date - May 2020
Retail: $85
Box Color: Orange Label Box
CD2569-600 (Battle Blue/White-University Blue)
Nike SB has teamed up with pro skater Kevin Bradley to launch the "Kevin & Hell" Blazer pack. The capsule consists of two takes on the Blazer silhouette, one low-top and one mid, drawing from a theme of good versus evil. The Blazer Mid is done up in red velour as a nod to Bradley’s favorite Star Wars character, Darth Maul.
“I like the Velcro straps," said Bradley. "Sometimes I’m really lazy and I don’t like to tie my shoes. Sometimes I don’t even strap the Velcro. You gotta be comfy.”